I'm so emotionally void right now it's ridiculous. But I'm obsessed. I GOT FREE TICKETS TO SEE THE DRESDEN DOLLS. And my dad is buying me their new CD tomorrow before he gets home from work. I'm so excited but you can't really tell except that they're all I've been talkign about since I foudn out today. I'm going to dress in a little black dress white face makeup bright red lipstick and idk how to do my eyes yet AND ITS NOT EVEN FOR THREE MONTHS AND TEN DAYS but idc.And Kerry is supposed to dress up like a sexy nurse like in Mandy Goes To Med School but she would rather me do that...lmao. I love my friends. LATE START TOMORROW. It's gonna be dumb. Cuz I'd rather just like walk to school but I dont' got no one to walk with so it'd be kinda pointless...boring...something. yeah. I got lots of compliments on how i wore my hair today and the top that I made over the weekend it was cool. And I'm working on putting patches on these ugly jeans so when I'm done I want it to look like a quilt. Fun stuff. Okay this is done.
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