Probably a waste of text

In this country the worst thing you could do is dare to offend someone.

For all of the things you can't tolerate in a youtube celebrity I could find about five times more about Politically Correct America that has turned us all into cliques of intolerant assholes who's entire purpose is to perpetuate hatred between each other because of differences in race, sex, sexual orientation, creed, and any other damn thing that could seperate two people.

Silencing people isn't going to stop this trend, if anything I want those who are the worst of us to speak the loudest. You should want people like the Amazing Atheist saying what is in his heart for all to hear instead of harboring it inside. If more people did this we could put to rest a lot of problems. We could use these people as examples you could show off to people as what not to be instead of telling you that blanket groups like "The Patriarchy" or "The Man" is making things like they are. Who the hell is "The Patriarchy"? Exactly, it's made to be so generic that anybody could be part of it if they fulfill one certain requirement. So instead of knowing the right people to be watching and passing judgment on, paranoia sets in and everyone is until proven innocent. Put those we figure out on giant banners and give an actual face to each of these core problems in attaining equality.

Making individuals accountable is the only way we are going to make it into a next phase of understanding, not by throwing around generic stereotypes and conglomerating everyone into their own special team, with their own special rules. It was like The War on Terror. You are trying to abolish an idea, but that is impossible with all of us having free will. The best you could do is make it so that it is extremely unattractive for people to pick up that idea, but even then some just don't care. You can't save those people, and worse off you can't protect others from them.

With every divide the media and the blogisphere creates it's going to be that much harder to obtain equality that they all say we deserve and desire.

How could this be when one of the foundations of most rights movements is establishing your victimhood, then telling you that the only way to stop being a victim is to destroy an indestructable idea? I oppress you by default and there is nothing I could do about that because what the cult of minority preaches condemns me before I even had a chance to defend my case. Because I don't buy in with my every last dollar that everything wrong in this world has come about with a white face, a penis, and a bible in hand, I'm just another crutch for those established powers to thrive in the cult's eyes.

So naturally my response has become to say "fuck the cult of minority". They are in it to do as much damage as the supposed patriarchy, or white power. The only difference between them and the cult is which end of the rope they are pulling at as they squeeze and drain the blood, sweat, and tears, from rest of us in the middle.

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