Moment of Clarity

I have to give Obama credit when he does something right... I posted a couple of things ago looking for him to tell people to calm their shit over Trayvon Martin and he indeed release statements defending the verdict and showing the uneducated drones of the media that the system works for a reason. It won't stop them from being an absolute cancer on blogs and and what-not.
There will always be people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton making a fucking race war out of everything. At least I can say that he is defending the laws of the land even if everybody else could give two shits about it.

Well Played, Obama... Good luck with your efforts to throw in the second amendment under the bus in the process. It's not going to work.

Maybe now we could all join hands and accept that George Zimmerman is a vigilante asshole, who stooped in his own cowardice, killed another man who got the better of him in a fight. Not a racist who sought out to kill a black kid for being black. Fucking doubtful though. People love a race war.

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