Updates at 11

Feeling: annoyed

Extra Extra! Read all about it!

Everything happened exactly as expected.

It is now Men vs Women and Whites Vs Blacks to race to the 2014 mid-term elections.

Democrats, your salvation is at hand. Because of two events mid-2013 you have all you need to hypnotise your bases into voting 50/50 and watch this fucking country whirl down the crapper.

For my first trick in getting everyone to roll their eyes so hard they actually get stuck looking at their own brains is reminding you womyn out there that there is a very simple reason why "Men" often are left to decide for you in your ambitions in sexual adventures. That is Conservative women who put them in that position. You think it's all men keeping these guys you hate in office? These women love republican men who keep sacred the same values they hold and completely hate all of you. So no matter how noble your cause is to fuck the patriarchy. Keep in your fucking head all of the women who demand from them that they act the way they do. These women who call themselves pro-life, conservatives, are the heart beat of every man who takes your rights to body autonomy away.

For my next trick. George Zimmerman may have won the battle, but he will never EVER be able to walk to a 7-11 again without carrying the hatred of millions of you who put him off as guilty as soon as this crime was discovered. His life is over whether he got convicted or not. Shame on every last one of you who makes anything more difficult to any other white person because of this verdict. They have NOTHING to do with Trayvon Martin and if anyone other than George Zimmerman is hurt by anyone because of this verdict it is a complete failure on all of our parts as citizens. Fucking carve that in stone and let's see what attocities happen because of the media making soldiers out of impressionable idiots. It has already begun.

This world is fucked. Bunker up, suckers.

Tomorrow happened and I wake up to about thirty messages on facebook about signing the petition to getting zimmerman brought up on civil rights violation charges. This has got to stop. Attention, fucking world. Not everything is going to go the way you want it to go. This isn't about Justice for Trayvon anymore, this is about your own personal vendetta against a man who prosequtors couldn't convince 6 mothers did anything wrong beyond a reasonable doubt. How many of you couldn't even be bothered to WATCH THE TRIAL, want his head on a pike in the name of race relations?

Too damn many.

Besides you'll never get a conviction of this either. Stop hating Zimmerman for being white and hate him for being Yellow. He was a wanna be cop who pissed himself when gotten the better of him by a 17 year old boy. The fact remains that there were two mistakes made that night. Zimmerman and Trayvon both decided to confront one another. Trayvon could have ran away and Zimmerman didn't have to follow him in the first place.

Then again if Trayvon killed the "Creepy ass, Cracker" instead no one would fucking care. Love how that works.

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