Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November.

Feeling: baffled

While we all were entranced by the happenings in Boston...

...CISPA has been passed by The House by a landslide, unannounced.

So I ask you.

What are you willing to depart with today?

What are you willing to do to fight back?

There are a lot of people out there who signed petitions and spread the word of CISPA's intentions.

The people you elected into the HoR to protect you from things like this didn't listen to you. So now what? The president you elected will show where he hangs his hat. If this squeeks by the Senate he has the power to Veto this thing.

When Danger's Near, Exploit Their Fear.

The Ends Will Justify The Means.

Or I dunno. We could try to take our country back.

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