Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin'

Feeling: creative

Back on Fanfiction.net writing mindless, brain candy. Based on the Cartoon show that brought me to the RP that has pretty much defined years 22-27.

My 22 year old self just kicked my 30 year old self in the balls and reminded it that they are still the same. 30 year old self needs to wash the puke off it's shirt and move the fuck forward.

I have loyalties where they don't belong. To a job that will never do what I need it to. I know I need to dump this horrible job. I don't know why I do that to myself. I'm so greatful that someone gave me a chance that I refuse to better myself and stick with it out of sheer chivelry. Chivelry is dead. Doesn't pay to be loyal to a job who has no intentions of rewarding you.

This woman on Youtube came out with a thing on Video Games called Tropes Vs Women. She completely devalues the characters of Peach, Zelda, and Krystal into useless objects of oppression then the literal amazing characters they are.

I am a gamer for life. I have played those games since they were created. They have shaped and molded me into the game lover I am today. I never played to own the girl at the end, and I don't play now with lesser expectations of fellow female gamers. All I have to say to Anita is.

You think Video Games are your ally, but you meerly adopted the games. I was born in video games, molded by them. I didn't see social life until I was already a man, but by then it was nothing to me but "our princess is in another castle."

Also. Ax brand body wash commercials... sure, Astronauts are cool... if you are like a 12 year old boy.

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