
So I've been doing alot of thinking lately. Mainly about what I'm going to do come fall. Our lease for this place runs out in September, everyone's having babies, and there is really not enough room in this 2 bedroom duplex. I'm also 22 w/out a college education, working a crappy fast food job, and I don't have a car either. Not one that runs, anyway. Needless to say, I've been trying to put things in perspective and figure out what the next chapter of my life should be. I really need to go to college and get a career started. But I need to really plan this shit out...cause I don't want to fuck my self over...and end up where I'm at right now. That would suck. Alot. Soooo...so far I have this much figured out. I've taken an interest in voice acting/voice over...and I think that it would be something really fun and rewarding, if I can manage to get a job. I also know that if I go to college, I need to have living arrangements planned. I have to consider ALL expenses. So ANYWAY, this is what I'm going to TRY to do. I'm going to try to go to Vancouver Film School. Yeah...it's in Canada. But the more I think about it the more perfect it sounds...if they accept me, that is. I really want to move out of freakin Missouri;aka "Misery". And really...I'm kind of tired of the U.S. The field I'm going for, was inspired mainly by animes, and the dubbing for these animes was done in none other than...Canada (namely Toronto and Vancouver). The class I want to attend is only for a year as a full-time student...so I don't have to waste a long ass time taking a bunch of classes I don't need to earn a degree. I've looked into student housing and it's a pretty good deal too. Some are for only like US$350 or so, a month...and it's fully furnished and everything. Another great thing...American money is worth more in Canada...so to speak. And I've been reading up on Vancouver and it sounds great. They have all 4 seasons..with a summer that averages about 72 degrees! It's off of the Pacific and there are mountains in the landscape...BEAUTIFUL! Pot is legal, free healthcare, low crime....what else to you need?! I think that about sums it up! Well I still have to apply and see if I get in first...so I'm not going to get too excited yet. I hate being let down! But hey...wish me luck, eh?! Peace homies!
Read 2 comments
damnit sis,notyou too.first stephen goes to the army.now your going to try to go to another country.Shit.
Oh well,if you get accepted and you feel that you will be happy doing this then I am with you all the way.Good or bad,right or wrong,we are still family though no one realy believes anylonger.
You were always there for me no matter what.So good luck to you and I wish you only the best.

Luv Ya
Your lost brother
You know, that actually sounds like an awsome idea. =) I've been looking into college recently too (though, in the states). Good luck!