I'm fucking drunk!

Alright...so hey! How's everyone doing!? I'm fine...I guess...I'm fucking drunk! And obviously bored..if I thought to write in my journal. Oh well! SO yeah... hmmm...soooo....my next concert is only 2 weeks away! YAY!!! Rockfest...they've got a decent line up this year. Maybe I'll actually get somewhat of a tan!...creeepy...! Yeah...I'm still a white motherfucker...but at least I don't have to worry about sun spots and shit when I get older! wooow....I actually type decent when I'm drunk! Anyway....! Wednesday...I think it was...I went to see the new Star Wars. I hadn't even watched a single Star Wars until like...last week! But the new one looked bad ass...so I had to watch them all so I could see it. Now I can't get enough of it...it's horrible! But the last one! It was fucking awesome! REALLY DEPRESSING...but awesome, nonetheless. I want to go see it again....it's just that damn good of a movie. Now I have officially turned into a Star Wars fanatic.....DAMN YOU....REVENGE OF THE SITH! HA! Anyway...! ehhh....damn I need a life! Only 2 more paychecks to go and I'll have enough to get a car! FUCK YEAH! THEN... I just need to save up quick so I can have the right amount of money to help for moving into a place and shit. I can't wait to move out! Then I can do whatever the fuck I want...well at least more so then right now. I can smoke inside...toke inside...get drunk or whatever means of getting fucked up inside...w/out worry of a parent coming downstairs and finding out. Although I'm not really looking forward to this baby thing. I don't particually like kid's...they are loud...and obnoxious...and get into everything...and throw temper tamptrem's if they don't get their fucking way. I'm sorry...but kids, to me, are a fucking pain in the ass. Maybe I'm just ruined because of Simeon (Timmy's kid)...but still....kid's are a fucking hassle. That I don't honestly know if I have the patience to deal with it. In fact I KNOW...I don't have the patience to deal with it. But we'll see. I'll probably try to stay gone all time anyway. I don't know how...yet...but I'll find a way. I'll find a way. uhhh...well I'm done. Take it easy everyone...peace!
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nah... i dont think he likes me. we're just ocasional friendz. he's really shy ne wayy, n i think he likes this grl Amara at his beach club. i've seen her n she's pretty so i hav no idea but i dont think they're goin out.

~Busy Me