It's A Hard-Knock Life...

HMMMM! Where to begin! Well I haven't been on here to post anything new in while cause the phone and computer is disconnected at my house. WHICH BLOWS!!! Oh...on that topic...Windows somehow crashed on the unusable computer. So instead of reinstalling Windows...Chris (the dad of the house) installs "Linox". I had never even heard of that shit before...and now I know why. It's pretty bad. Okay...what else. Oh...last you all new I was supposed to go to "Renfest" w/ my "boyfriend" right? Well the jackass pulled some shit and didn't show up...tryed to excuse himself I FINALLY OFFICIALLY said fuck that asshole. Which leaves me emotionally better off anyway. So I'm proud of myself...YAY! umm...I'm still working at good ol'McDonalds. So far I've got about $900 in the bank just waiting to be spent on a car. That is if I can ever get anyone to teach me how to drive GODDAMMIT!!! People suck! umm...then there's the issues w/ "home life". Everythings pissing me off. The lack of respect I and my friend's have attained through being around each other constantly. The lack of consideration my friends show me and each other....I don't know. It's just not right. For example...I share my weed. ALL THE TIME!!! But whenever anybody else gets a sack they eiter hoard it all to themselves or smoke it while I'm at work. Fuck that. That aint cool. But anyway...I'm ranting again so I'm gonna stop. I gotta go anyway. Well I think I pretty much summed everything up. But anyway! Take it easy ya....
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Well, haven't seen you in a long time, but sounds liek life's being life. :-/

If you just need someone to take you out in a car and practice I wouldn't mind doing that sometime. That is, if you'd like. Drop me a line sometime.
lol! hope u hav enuf time 2 get 2 da library. if u evr feel ur leaving sitdiary, at least put a good-bye message so i no 2 stop leavin' comments! lol. i did dat wen i switched 2 a different diary. i check all my friendz wen i got time, so i hope u got ur own time 2 reply.
c ya!