And Life Goes Something Like This....

Hey wassup yall? Well so far I've put in 45 hours at McDonalds in 6 days....which I get paid for next Monday. Yay! They're kinda dicking me around now though. I don't work until Thursday...and even then I'm only set to work 4 hours a day. Grrr..... Timmy was supposed to come up last week...but didn't. Instead he went to take his kid to see his mother....and stayed at his mom's house in P.Hill. That's 30 minutes away. His excuse was that he didn't have enough gas...but he's not proving his point very well cause I know that he started out w/ afull tank and his car gets excellent gas mileage. But whatever....he's a fucking douchebag! I got a letter in the mail the other day from an old friend! I used to write him while he was in jail....and he just decided to write me out of nowhere. Kinda fucked up! He's in the Honor Center now...and I think he wants to hang out w/ me on one of his free days. That'd be interesting and kinda cool. By the case anybody I know is reading's NOT Maliki. Fuck that douchebag. It's one of his old friends though...Ricky. Well...that's about all I gots to say for now! Take it easy everybody! Late...
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mic diks is a gay job but i cant say much cuz i just lost mine at dennsy what a piece of shit place to wokr