
inspiration from marcy: just stop and think does this girl make you happy and if the answer happeneds to be yes..think...could i make you happier? fucking chanches are YES!!! I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPIER!!! just gimmi the fucking chance i threw away...i want it sooo bad you dont even know...i want you. Smell her hair, pick her up and pretend to throw her in the pool.. she'll scream & fight you but secretly, she'll love it. Hold her hand while you talk. Hold her hand while you drive. Just hold her hand. Tell her she looks pretty. Look her in the eyes when you talk to her. Protect her. Tell her stupid jokes. Tickle her, even if she says stop. Slow dance with her. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Get her mad, then kiss her. Tease her. Let her tease you back. Stay up with her when shes sick. Kiss her forehead. Let her wear your clothes. Go slow. Don't push anything.Kiss her in the rain. And when you fall in love with her t.e.l.l. her. of the 23 points listed in that 2nd paragraph i fail only 5, one of those is because i did actually throw her in the pool...
Read 4 comments
I don't really have anything to say either.

Chelsea sugar...
Chelsea buns...

I think think of a whole range.

Whats with the text =P

You know I have no money.
I can't explain the no entries but I do'nt hate you, silly boy. =P
It sounded rather paranoid for my liking =)
I shall make an entry though.
Will be crap but oh well.
awww as long as you jumped into the pool with her its all good but if u didnt..shame on you

yes i know..marcy rocks ;)
i would like to talk with you sometime, but the convo would go a bit like-with you saying, "fuk you" at me.
"Girl matters"

With love. x0x0