drift away, fade away, dance little tin goddess

Feeling: hungover
i'm not hungover, not in the literal sense at least, see, here's how things went, it started on thursday avo, i was happy, going out hat eve, then i went out that eve, and things were great, had fun, got laid etc. waking up on friday morning(afternoon actually), increddibly fucked up, i find that i foolishly left my MSN siging in on my mates computer, and someone logged on and generally fucked wiht it, this isn't bad, it's funny, hell it'd be funny if i was doing it to someone else, so i can't really get too pissed off, i started writing a letter to one of my mates which ended up shit and i just screwed it up and threw it out, i'm not sure how much sleep i got, but i walked to my moms place and took my bitch for a really lomg walk (she's fat and useless, it's my personal mision over summer to get her fit ish again), then friday eve it starts turnign to shit, my parents' daughter got the smack down at school, (she's 15, thinks she's 18, talks shit, running her mouth gets her places her a55 can't handle), and she went to some social welfare place, and told them that it was my mom, (have i mentioned that my mom is really cool), so she got exported to my aunties place, and my mom kinda went hysteric, we had no alcahol in the house (because one of the parents' daughter's friedns stole it all) so i couldn't even plot to get her liquored without her realising, very little sleep on friday night because mom was up all night worrying, saturday i'm supposed to be hiting up the west coast beaches, and possibly walking along precarious clifftops or something, this doesn't happen as i feel oblged to stay at home incase mom needs anything. saturday i went back to my place to sleep, which i didn't do cos i went 'round to my mates place and stayed up till about 5am playing on his Xbox, then i went home and slept till middayish. sunday i spent moping tired as all fuck and still kinda recovering from thursday, (having not had one decent night's sleep since), monday i had ot get up earlyish for work ( i work contract with flexible hours, it happend to start in the avo on moday) but i still had to be up, so i got home from work and was fairly shattered still not having had any real sleep, i went to bed earlyish and still got up at midday today, i'm sick, sore, and i have a headache, i'm supposed to be going away to do some other work tomorow which doesn't look like it's gonna happen, and i'm supposed ot be at hayleys house today. spoze that all sounds trivial, i guess it is, i just feel a bit over whelmed, th old "too much to do not enough ime to do it in", i tidyed my house otday, well my workshop at least, which is all that really matters. i made myself a plaited copper bracelet too, dont know why, just bored, and i had copper wire. will try again to write to my mate, hoping that all of you aren't as swamped as i am. take blessings from what ever religion you follow [B0b]1652|261103
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