damned surveys

Listening to: georgeFM
Feeling: bleh
surveys, you all do 'em so here's mine, i'll upload 'em all to my page eventually.. *******ABOUT ME******* 1.Starting Time: now 2.Your Full Name: Robert Akerman 3.Nicknames: zell, akerman, bob, akanz 4.bestfriend(z): few close ones 5. Fav color: silver-grey 6.Funniest Friend: mike, adam, rach(if i can call her a friend, purely for her stupidity) 7.Smartest Friend: ME heh, the other me, and the other me again, and possibley drew, carter 8.Dumbest Friend: rach again 9.Athletic Friend: uhh no, we're a lazy bunch.. 10.loudest Friend: friend with the loudest sound system?, mik(yes mik, not mike) 11.Shyest Friend: not likely 12.Who Do u Get Advice from: anyone who's good for it *******On Yourself****** 13.color hair: dark blond? 14.do u think ur skinny or fat: fuken solid, not fat baby, this' pure muscle 15.Height: 6"2? 16.birthday: October 7 '84 17.Sign: i stole a couple of give way signs, heh. those intersections have never been the same since 18.Righty / Lefty: ambi 19.Eye color: greens 20.Shoe Size: big 21.Shoe Brand: cheap 22.Do u Crack any Body Parts: neck. back. knuckles. 24.Siblings n agez: borther, Daniel(25?) 27.Boy Friend/ Girl Friend: plenty of 'em 28.you like anyone?: not many ******Have u Ever****** 30.whats tha most u would do with a guy rite now: umm, have a smoke?( i am a guy, so reversing it to mean chic, i'd shaft her) 31.Got In a Fight: yeah, too many 32.Liked a Teacher: doubt it, but there were one's i didn't want ot kill AS MUCH 33.Killed Someone: 34.Laughed So Hard You Peed Your Pants: no 35.Ever ate a tub of ice cream in one day?: yea prolly 36.ran Into a Glass Door: na 37.Kicked The Wall and broke Every Toe in that Foot: kicked a wall and broke every structural beam behind it 38.Been in Love: yeh, am right now even 39.Ate Dirt: not on purpose 40.Gone Skinny Dipping: na 41.Had Sex: yea 42.Asked out some1: yea 43.Gotten hit by a car: yea *****Fill Out on dudes ***** (ed- reversed to be for chics, seein' as i am a dude) 42.Boxers or Briefs: boxers 43.Tall or Short: medium 44.Long Hair or Short: whatever 45.Dark or Light Eyes: either 46.Six Pack or Muscular Arms: not thanks 47.Body or Personality: both 48.Ear pierced or not: whatever 49.Sportsy or Outdoorsy: yes 50.Good Guy/ Bad Guy: NOT GUY! 51.Light Hair/ Dark Hair: either 52.Hat/No Hat: hat! 53.Tan or no Tan?: yes *****Which One is Better***** 66.Taco Bell or Mcdonalds: Taco 68.Coffee or Tea: cofee 69.Sour or Sweet: both, on chicken 70.Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate: milk 72.Cake or Cookies: cake 73.pizza or noodles: both 74.Ice Hockey or Roller Hockey: ice 75.Day or Night: night 76.Lights On or Off: off, light hurts, am vampiric 77.Ocean or Pool: ocean 78.Summer or Spring: spring 79.Winter or Fall: winter ******Your favorite****** 80.Food: goes in mouth, is all. 81.Car: Chevvy Imaparla, sacked out on 20" chromes, hydrauics, 4 boxed 12" subs. 82.Store: nah 83.Candy: all of them 84.Restaurant: na 85.Sport: whatever's happening 86.Thing to do: shoot shit 87.fav anime: god no 88.Number: 1,0 89.Drink: smoothies, coffee 90.Animal: bovine, simply for the fact they're edible, or cats, cats are cool 91.Holiday: ramadan, wesak, hannukah 92.Quote(s): miiiiiiitch! 93.Band: na 94.Song: chicken dance remix 95.Scent: vanilla haha, yes i'm sure you meant cologne.. 96.Book: na 98.Radio Station: ChanZ, theROCK, RedFM, bFM, geroge 99.Place: ggiiiivvveee iiittt uuuuppppp for new zealand ******In The Future****** 100.Who's Gonna be by Your Side: my barrett m82 high cal. long rifle 101.Where you Gonna Live: somewhere less auckland 102.How Many kids?: none 105.College: doubt it 106.What are u Gonna be Doing: shooting shit 107.Define Love: fuken wyked, awesomescary 108.Whats your Wife/Husband Gonna Look like: nope 109.What are u Wearing right NOW: shitty shirt from america 110.What Does Your Screen Name stand For?: (-god-{B0b}-dog-), fairly self explanitory i thought 111.Favorite Movie: na 112.Where Were You Born: fuck knows 113.Favorite friend of the opposite gender: kristen 114.Favorite Place to be kissed: my a55, haha, na... 115.Favorite day of the week: today 116.Who was the last person you received email from: n/a 117.Bedtime: whenever 118.HOTTEST PERSON YOU KNOW: meeee, na.. i dunno 120. First kiss: can't remember 122: Worst moment in ur life: 123: Biggest fear: none 124: Do you have a phobia?? no 125: If you could take one moment in your life back, what would it be?: pulling the trigger 126: what is one thing you've always wished you had done, but never did? none 127: do you play any instruments? noo 128: funniest moment of your life: can't remember due to intoxication 129: What are you thinking about right now? my sore shoulder, sore for no reason. 130: Who do you wish you could be with right now? my cuz, just to save the 3hour drive.. 131: Where would you go with that person? dude, it's a dude.. fuckin homos 132:Worst thing in the world?: guns, christians, americans, american christians with guns 133: Have you ever broken someone's heart? yea, sucks, love is so unfair 134: Do you cry when someone dies? only once 135: Have you ever wanted something so bad that you cried? no 136: Do you drink, smoke, or do any drugs? all the damn time, i hate it, my life is slipping back into this shit! 137: Do you cry in school? n/a 138: Do you believe in love at first sight? yeh 139: Do you believe in GOD: i am god 140: should you kiss on a first date: no, just fuck. 141: On a date do you expect/give flowers or candy? no 142: Girls (or Guys)--you like your guy scruff or clean shaven: FUCK OFF AWAY HOMO 143: POOLS OR HOT TUBS?: pool 144: What are you most comfortable sleeping on? horizontal surfaces 145: Favorite article of clothing? copper bracelet, if that counts 146: What is the most attractive thing about the opposite sex?: they're female 147: Last person you danced with: noone 148: Do you have a good luck charm: i suffer good luck and i'm charming..**grin 149: Person you dislike the most? rach again, damn her 150: where do you like to go to think and be by yourself? lounge around the house 151: fav ice cream: rum and raisin 152: who makes you smile on your worst day: nothing 153: Last song you listened to? some shit on george 154: Last person you talked to/chatted with: GarJ (aforementioned cuz) 155: Time you finished this: now ****END****
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