No point really

Listening to: none
Feeling: bummed
I'm not sure why I even keep this thing going. It's not like any one really reads it, and I have a journal at home I can just write in. Most the people on my list are not any more and the ones that are don't respond. I know one of them probably goes throuhg and checks every one else on his list, but mine. Or if he does he doesn't respond. He use to just respond with out leaving his name now he can't even do that. I also do things for this person and I feel it doesn't mean a damn thing. So I have decided to stop going out of my way to do any thing for said person. I have also been bummed because I have not been in touch with a couple of good friends of mine. Morna is my soulmate. I have never had someone care so much for me knowing all my flaws. She could careless how flawed I am. She is suppose to be callling me soon. I can't wait. It will do me a world of good just to talk to her again. I wrote to her last night. She thinks I should stop worrying about others and just take care fo me or else there won't be enough of me to go around. She always writes the sweetest things to me. The e-mail I read today made me cry. I can just feel how much she cares for just through what she writes to me. I don't know what I would do without her. I take that back I go nuts without her. She has always been there for me. No matter how late I needed her to stay up and talk with me she did so without complaining ever. Unlike other who said they would be there but when I neededt to talk always gave the same excuse I need to get up early in the morning for work. I was there for them when they need to talk. Oh well. Any ways I don't know if I will keep this thing going. I thing Im going to start on throught a different site. If any on here wishs to read the new one when I start it let me know. I will give you the link. I will come back to check other journals though. In hopes that the people on my list will be back to writing soon. ttfn (I just love Tigger)
Read 2 comments
Thank you for the last comment you left. It really meant a lot to me. To be honest, I was just really drunk. Actually, I don't remember writing that entry at all, and that's not the first time I've done that. At least I haven't made any drunken phone calls in a while. I don't get on here very often anymore, but if you ever need someone to talk to about anything , I'm on AIM pretty often. My screen name is "itemthirteen"
Hey hey, I know here I am now! I was going through alot of shit