I'm all wet

Listening to: tv
Feeling: eek!
Well today my friend and I had a water balloon fight. It was fucking awesome. And damn this fucking thing I had something typed up and it didn't go through. *hiss*. Her husband was telling me tonight that they pay less (work wise) up in Orange county then they do down here. I'm in Oceanside. Which is fourty minutes away from where I want to be, but hell who knows knowing me I might just stay here. Hell at this point I don't know what to do any more. I just want a place to call my own. Then I would like a man of my own. I have someone in my life who does boyfriend like things with me but there is no commitment there.I want someone who wants to be with me and only me. Not someone who wants to be with every other girl he sees. I'm so tired of being alone. *sighs* I mean I keep hearing how pretty I am, yet I'm single and no one wants to date me. hmmm make you think. Oh I do believe I forgot to meantion I have a lip ring on either side of my labret ring. I love them. Yeah my brother is online. I have not been able to talk to him in a long time. God I can't wait till he gets out here. I also miss my friend in Irland at least we had a chance to talk on the phone for a bit. Well I'm going to run for now focusing to much on the fact that I'm lonely.
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