No idea what to do.

Listening to: none
Feeling: attractive
So last night I went out with a few friends. One person that I was hanging out with last night had just ended a 2 year relationship with his girl friend. I wanted to go out and drink and so did a couple other friends. Well Aa the night went on things took a turn and I don't really think it would have been for the worst but there was a chance things could get fucked up later on. To be quick and to the point I could have gotten laid last night but thougth it was probably not the best idea in the long run. All thought it was rather tempting because the guy is good looking and well the last time glacierbear put out was on Saint Paddys day. It felt great to know someone still found me attractive and wanted to do more than just cuddle with me. Not that I don't like cuddling because I do but I also enjoy sex. I guess I just thought it would be better for us not do any thing right now because he just dumped his girl friend and doesn't really want to get involved with someone else right away. As for me I just don't thing it would be a good idea to get sexually involved with any one till my life is not so fucked up. I don't think it best to rely on someone else to make me feel good about myself. So there you have it folks. Tonight I think I will just hang out with other friends and watch moves. My life is all a mess and needs to be straightend out soon before I lose my mind. All right now I'm off to read other journals.
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im new here so im gonna comment on randoms people diary and read there last entry and 2 ask them if they wanna be my friend?

o yeah happy friday the 13th
fair enough.
fair enough.
oops, that was me. accidentaly hit the anonymous button.