I swear

It may not be planned, who knows it could be the most sincere form of being spontanious; I don't crimp my hair that often. Whenever I do *exciting* things happen! Hmmm, it's very interesting. It's more fun and happy than blah straight hair, it like moves and it's all wavey, how exciting! :P Like the very first time I crimped my hair, I thought I should call it my "sex" hair. Oh my gawd, it so looked like someone would wanna do me (lol). So then after calling it that, I think that, thats why exciting! things happen to me when I go out with or without my group people and my hair crimped Okay Not giving all the credit for the things that happen to people, TO MY HAIR... pfff yeah raahiight I'm just making an observation. anyways, maybe I should crimp it more often :P It's seems to be like lucky charm-ness (for my self anyways)
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Hahah. Wow.
This is the most amusing entry I've yet to see on here.
Nice Diary.