I'm so happy! :)... kinda...Well.

Hello :) it's friday :) aren't you glad it is friday :) Well I am. Anyways I'm soo hypped up right now.... WOW... it's AMAZING :) Ya so ......Ya. :) I feel so out of the loop. All of my friends have boyfriends and I'm the only one who is single. Black Betty calls it a TREND :) and need to be a part of it. They are all going out on double dates . :( I'm sooo out of it. Well I guess to look on the bright side *I'm still free* *no commitment for me* :) oh my gosh that rhymed:) oh it reminds of a song I made up about I guy I don't even know, but I like his lastname... here it goes P. SHOWLER Takes a SHOWER with some FLOWER in his POWDER he met a girl and he wanted to WOW HER within an HOUR and he married her because she DOWERy on top of a TOWER but he was a COWERd so he ate something SOUR and that's all i've got so FAR. Ya . Anyways :)
Read 4 comments
this is "lovemetallica" its not letting me sign my name lol
i dont have a bf so dont think u should join the"trend" because ur not the only one lol
That is genius :) I like it.

hey again. that's awesome. i'm into fashion design myself. if you want to see some stuff i've made, go to http://public.fotki.com/onestepbelowzen.
kool site. thanx for leving me a note. i like ur name too. takes me awhile to pronounce it but its kool. i got my nickname by the fact of my birthmark that looks like a koolaid stain. lol. well i hope u do well on this site and get ppl to leave u messages also. take. and let me be the first to welcome you to sitdiary.