friends dont last forever

so on the way home from VCC dustin found ciggerettes in seths car.. so i didnt want him to smoke so i threw them out his car window and he obviously saw me but i couldnt give a crap. No matter what he says i dont believe him. i dont believe that they were in there for a while.. that he only smokes "once in a while" or that he wasnt trying to hide them from us. And obviously he doesnt care about me or any of his good friends so he can go screw himself and stay with his potsmoking buddies and just leave me the hell alone because i dont want to have anything to do with him anymore. and im guessing the feelings mutual.. brother my ass.. MakExAxWisH: check your sitdiary SECOx804: ok SECOx804: check your sitdiary MakExAxWisH: remember when we first met, and i told you if you ever smoked or smoked pot again, i wouldnt talk to you until you quit completely? well im still not going to.. so your stressed and mad, theres better ways to deal w/ that than smoking, so tell me if you stop (even the once in a while thing) and then ill talk you again. SECOx804: w/e shit like this is why i smoke it calms me down and keeps me from doing stupid stuff MakExAxWisH: ok. nice to see you care. bye SECOx804: dont talk to me i dont care nemore im tired of try to apease everyone im doing what makes me happy SECOx804 signed off at 7:59:21 PM. and he said he hasnt changed..
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