high on life

Todays been pretty fun.. EXCEPT for the stupid english assessment test i had in the morning. But then afterwards me and patrick filled up 2 pieces of paper completely from passing notes back and forth talking about random stuff and that kept us entertained for 2 hours lol.. Gym: played tennis, snuck a honey bun out to the tennis courts, and then accidentally left my jacket. me and crystal were "high on life" Lunch: Went through one line looking for a fruit cup and they said go to the teachers line, so i wait in that line and they dont have any, so i see eric walking and tell him to get me one and he got me 2 for 1$ when really their 75 cents each. i guess hes not THAT scary lol. Then i went back to the table and got a cupcake and we sang to nicole Directed study: Me and nicole went to the tennis courts to get my jacket and i had to bring my cupcake with me because i was too full to eat it, and if i left it in the class it woulda gotten eaten. soo comment me. oh and heather: the pictures will load on your home computer, the dells are just stupid
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ur icon with the penguin
is uber hott
its so hott
it burns
like a match