
This morning when i got to school chelsea was running to the bathroom crying histerically so i went with her and something happend with vince.. i suppose its a long story. But now im in spanish with her and shes still upset and im trying to cheer her up but its not working.. were supposed to be having a party in this class and everyone brought food, i brought doritos =) and theres donuts and sodas n all this 3 hours is gonna be much better than yesterday, even if we have a vocab test.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AH!!!! WERE IN SPANISH FOR 4 HOURS! we had a firedrill and the firetruck came and then we went inside like 20 minutes later and now this class doesnt end until 12:28, then we go to 5th and i dont eat C lunch until 1:44.. ahh. Then we have no directed study and i have to go straight to biology. save me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

MASH (for old time sake)

Created by gntodorovich and taken 105074 times on Bzoink

Number of siblings
First word that comes to mind
Pick a number, any number
You will live in a(n)Mansion
You will marryCurrent bf/gf
You will have this many kids2
You will live hereUS
You will be a(n)Teacher

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