
sunday: me and stacey sat around for awhile, then went to her house and got her stuff, and then we went to the park and there were puddles under every swing and stacey swung her feet into it 3 times and got soaking wet. Then we went back and watched tv and got online and seth has disturbing pictures on his myspace, so we talked to him and we said we dont want to see it and he said we should quit complaining and just dont look. so then we ate and dustin and heather randomly came over and said lets go to the mall, so we go, and it was closed and so was shoe carnival so went back to dustins house and watched tv and then went to my house. Stacey was mad about something and just did her homework and didnt talk to us. and when we asked what was wrong shed say NOTHING! so yeah.. anyways Dustin tormented the hamster and now its even meaner than before. it woke up this morning, growled, and went back to sleep. Before dustin and heather left he asked me what was wrong and i said nothing, i dont no why he thought something was wrong but hes like are you sure are you sure im like.. yes? So they left and i did my homework and we went to sleep and a freakin woodpecker woke us up at 530am. it was right outside my window for about an hour! AHH! so then we got ready and went to school. English: sub Spanish: quiz i have an IC_Diversity thing due next period for science that i didnt do, so im screwed.. science: charles sitting on one side of me, and some other weird guy who moans all the time.. this is scary.. ************************************************************************ art: we had a student teacher do a lesson and she was showing up pictures asking what we see, so wed say something like oh.. the watercolor isnt blended. and shed scream "DOES THAT BOTHER YOU?! IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT?!" *hides in corner*.. no? A lunch: went in line with dustin, came back and liz was there and she was wearing his old new york bathing suit short thingys, why i dont no.. so we sit down and dustin says i can see the jealousy behind your eyes, and then hes like.. lets kill her!! so im a little jealous.. but if your b/fs ex g/f starts wearing his clothes again and is all of a sudden "hugging him more than she used to" and as heather would say "staring at him more than she does the lunchroom".. it makes you wonder ************************************************************************ lunch: talked to everyone. dustin never came. but he said he was going to cause he had a sub. shouldnt of gotten my hopes up. ************************************************************************ math: boring. talked to joey. anyways im bored. comment me had a sub. shouldnt of gotten my hopes up. ************************************************************************ after school i talked to dustin on the busramp and then he brought me and stacey home and we went to the park and got chased by a very large "puppy" lol, and then we cooked macaroni and made lj and dustin cards for no reason and i talked to dustin on the phone, fun night. but now he thinks i dont trust him, when i really do..
Read 8 comments
hey guess what? i stopped caring like 2 seconds ago.

i don't even know why i started

and i'm just pissed. that's all. i'm pissed that i wasted 6 months of my life falling in live with that ass hole.

and that's the last anyone is ever going to hear about it.

i'm done.
i'm sorry... it's just... agh.
you're page takes FOREVER to get past the security thing.

yeah i went to wawa but it was water with a hint of cappaccino.

yeah i'm going to laugh too, but they're exactly alike, so i doubt it. brittany said that she talks about sick stuff at your lunch table. weird.... she has my lunch too...
she has my lunch everyday... and her and seth sit there and make out and give each other hickeys the whole time.
yes it does. lol. sorry she did that. :)

yes. well kevin really does make things better. *wink* ... I'm pathetic. URGH!!! why? lol. but I did truely feel funny when he was gone. ya know? lol.

so. I'll see ya in like 10 minutes. lol. I'm writing Heather a 3 page note. or maybe more I'm not done yet. yeh. I discovered that I had a LOT to say. lol.

see ya
<3 britt
lol. yeh. i'm bored.

not really. but go to google and search myspace surveys and see if anything comes up with Bzoink ... i don't know the link. but their pretty good surveys. and quizzes and stuff.
wow julie liz is not all over me and i couldn't get to your lunch i tried but the hall moniter lady sent me back to class agian if you have something you want to say please say it to my face not tell everyone else about it first thank you i love you goodbye and im sorry you got your hopes up but i did try
yeah... i'm happy right now. i am really pissed that seth said he thought me being mad at him was funny. but oh well. i shouldn't have talked to him in the first place.


i need chocolate.