
TIME-1:15 Ok so this is my first entry....what to say....ok right now I'm out side and it's freezing, so your thinking maybe i should go inside then well I kinda want to but I love it out side and I know if I go inside I won't wanna come back out also if I go in I will probably wake up my dad and I'll have to go to sleep so I think I'll just stay out here.WoW my butt is going numb it's not cuase of the cold well that might be part of it but the other reason is cuase I'm sitting on a big metal square and I've been sitting here for like four hours (don't ask why) man I really should get some sleep I need to get up at 6:00 tomorrow,last night I went to bed at 12:23 exactly I remembe...well...thats the time I layed down but anyway I woke up thinking it was like 7:00 or something and I felt like I got a good night sleep cuase I was really relaxed and awake and I was like wow I still woke up on time so I walk down stairs and I looked at the clock and it turns out it was 2:30 PM...well I guess I got a good night sleep alright and a day to so I should probably go on to bed now although if it 's anything like last nignt I'm going to be in trouble in the morning well I'm gonna go get warm now so bye byes..........FOR NOW!!!!!! TIME END-1:31
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