
Feeling: adored
feeling: "adored" but also "sarcastic" Hmmm. I hate sarcasm. It really, truly sucks. Boring day at school -_- me and Nathan were talking about Primal^^ very kewlies. --- uhm if anyone here on sitD has the PS2 game called Primal, i'd love to chat with you sometime^^ --- anyway, back to reality. Hmmm. Hmmm. Everything i do is real, but it has nothing to do with reality. Derren Brown is awesome.^^ and i know nobody is reading this so =( i might as well just say about how you all suck. yes, that's right. whether i know you in real life or in computer life, you're all PATHETIC LITTLE LOOSERS. *cough* laters, haters. rhiaN x {--- the kiss of death > =)
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