burn burn for us, for them, for you..

Listening to: nothing'
Feeling: depressed
hey, this week has been greeeeaaaaat. -_-; my ex-best-friend has been cutting her wrists and shoulders again, and now my best friend Sarah has.. she won't tell me why... but I know it's all my fault, and I feel guilty as hell. then this really cool girl who's two years older than me, who i've JUST made friends with, has had to move to south wales because she's really really depressed. so right now i'm depressed. and.. well at least today went Okay. Me and Sis Kim went to Sarah's house and we prank-called SOOOOO many people!! it was funnn. anyway, still bored and depressed. and i've got the eisteddfod tomorrow. if you don't know what eisteddfod is, it's some gay welsh thing where kids act and sing and stuff. ohh, and me and kim and sarah were on TV.. we were among all these old people celebrating some school not being shut down.. and we looked so funny... all in black and glaring around the room on such a 'happy' occasion. GIML IS DEPRESSING ME anyway life's a grave dig it rhian -x- p.s i miss ya dylan
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