Aww...why teh sad face? ooh, and I hope you get to get it! I need to still....but I've heard it!!!! go me. lol. not really.
lol. Mothssss. I'm sorry 'bout you're boyfriend. That sucks, man. I've been upset about things that I've said too... O_o hmmm. WE WEIRD!!!! lol.

I like your rotat-y star!!! ^.^
*gasp* ((just saw yuur picceh)) YUU THINKS YUU ISH NOT PWETTEH!?!?!?! You're gorgeous!!!!!
'Tis your worst??? Then you must be extremely pretteh...heh heh.
omg u seem nearly as obsessed with the dolls as me!! ive met acey twice, stood next to joey (but then some whore smaked him cos he wouldnt have sex with her so he got bk on the tour bus) and wednesday briefly :) i likes eric more than joey ~ but thats cool cos weve got one each now :) wheres ya from hunni? xx
: ( I'll never be happy again without you
This is a very silent entry,indeed..