It has been awhile

Listening to: The birds outside
Feeling: leftout
Another school year is almost over. I find myself getting sad again. More of my friends are leaving and I am excited for them, but sad for me. There are many things that I am looking forward to- going to Chicago, living with Anne, going to London. . . but it all seems bittersweet. Why do I have to let go of the things I have now to have new things? I'm selfish and don't want to let go of anyone. I don't understand how other people say goodbye and move on so easily. I have never been a person who gives up on a relationship. I am always the one who keeps calling, keeps trying. I've been living in the past for too long and need to learn to get more excited about the future. A toast to tomorrow
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C-H-I-C-A-G-O!!! Chhiiiiiiiicccccccccaaagoo!!