Girl Stuff

I have been angry and frustrated all day for no apparent reason. Anne, you were right when you called this morning and thought that something was wrong. I was upset. . over what, I do not know. I wish that my moods would actually match what is going on. When things are going well, half of the time I am miserable. When bad things happen or I have tons of stuff to do, sometimes I am happy. I don't know why. I can actually remember saying some days that today everything went wrong; but I am really happy. Sometimes I am almost happy when things don't work out. It makes no sense. I think there is something horribly wrong with me. When my friends call me and ask me to go out sometimes I'm annoyed that they are bothering me. . but when they don't call I get mad that I don't have any friends. Right now I don't know what mood I'm in. I think I need to go to bed. Why is my mind so complicated.
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I hope a little sleep and a new day have helped. See you at 2 or so.