Ahhh. . . Procrastination

Listening to: My own singing
Feeling: torn
I fear that this diary is just going to be yet one more way for me to procrastinate. End of semester blues are getting to me. I cannot wait until Christmas break. . Thanksgiving break is not going to be much of a break for me due to the outrageous number of projects I have to do. But I should not complain because relatively speaking, life is good. I have no REAL problems to speak of. Nothing terribly exciting happened today. However, after dinner Monica got scared because some guy was standing around the corner waiting for a friend, so when we turned the corner to head back to our rooms she screamed because she wasn't expecting anyone to be standing there. She was pretty loud and I think she actually scared the guy because he didn't understand why she was screaming. I laughed so hard my whole body ached--I often laugh hard when I am tired. Who am I kidding, I always laugh hard.
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lol, my diary... and this site in general turned out to become a major part of my procrastination during my exams...

good luck with all your projects.
keep smiling
Ah, good ol' Mon-Mon.
And your jolly laughter...
Sounds like a priceless moment.