things geting much better

Listening to: unwritten
Feeling: ambivalent
this week has been the worst ut then again also the best! things with me n joey have gotten even greater since our little talk thing which im very happy about and familys getting eh better i suppose and then the hw is accually getting done even though i have a whole bunch to do but im procrasting so yea thats by but oh well im excited cuz morp is on friday! haha that should be very fun n its joey sfirst dance so thats cool and glenns going with his new girlfriend aww there so cute!!!!!!!! im happy for him and yea that should be cool so yea im excited for morp! i havent been to a dance this whole eyar and only 2 last year so yea thats cool cool that im going cuz theeir fun so yea i need to finish hw and see how much i accually get done....
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