flippin bored

Feeling: bittersweet
this entry is pointless. the last one is kinda important though.. wuuteva [edit: heres another] 01. name: Tiffani 02. single or taken: single 03. sex: female :) 04. bday: January10th 05. sign: capricorn 06. siblings: younger brother and sister 07. hair color: brown 08. eye color: brown eyed girl 09. shoe size: 7 1/2? 10. height: 5'3? relationships 01. who are your best friends?: well im not too sure now, other than Adriana fashion | stuff 01. where is your favorite place to shop: anywhere 02. any tattoos or piercings: 13 piercings.. ill get a tattoo someday.. specifics 01. do you do drugs?: no sir-E 02. what kind of shampoo do you use?: herbal essences 03. what are you most scared of?: being alone, sharp objects 04. what are you listening to right now?: Link80 05. who is the last person that called you?: brittney 06. where do you want to get married?: someplace small.. but pretty 07. what would you change about yourself?: i let myself get walked on a lot.. favorites 01. color: blue & black 02. boys' names: Benji is the greatest name ever. not even because of GC either so dont start you crazy people 03. girls' names: Sydney 04. subjects in school: english and history 05. sports: meeehh i like to watch wrestling. the real kinda not wwf shat have | you | ever 01. given anyone a bath?: im a big sister. enough said. 02. smoked?: Yes 04. made yourself throw up?: its impossible for me to do so. 05. skinny dipped?: haha yes! 06: ever been in love?: no 07. pictured your crush naked?: id rather not 08. cried when someone died?: yes 09. lied: im only human 10. fallen for your best friend?: possibly 11. been rejected?: never turned down just left 12. rejected someone?: yeah 13. used someone?: yeah but it was mutual. 14. done something you regret?: GOD YES current 01. clothes: pajamas 02. make-up: never. im naturally this ugly! 03. annoyance: avoidance. sendsomeoneelseanotegeeze 04. smell: Angel- thierry mugler 05. favorite artist: cant say 06. favorite group: old Saves The Day 07. book you're reading: Smack again. 08. dvd in player: none 09. color of toenails: none do | you | ever 01. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: uhm maybe to get online.. not to IM me thats lame 02. save conversations: i have but now they save automatically so i dont have a choice are | you 01. understanding: yes 02. open-minded: somewhat. id like to be 03. arrogant: i hope not 04. insecure: oh yes. 05. interesting: i have my moments 06. random: ha oh yeah 07. hungry: always 08. smart: smart, not brilliant 10. hard working: depends on what im working on. 11. organized: pretty much 12. healthy: ive let myself go 13. shy: at first. once i get past that im crazy 14. difficult: every so often 15. attractive: meh 16. bored easily: haha not meee 17. messy: i try not to be 18. responsible: i try to be 19. obsessed: with the internet :[ 20. happy: on occasion 21. hyper: i was. im tired now 22. trusting: thats a toughie who | do | you | wanna 01. kill?:nobody everyone dies. if i wanted revenge it would be craftier than that. :D 02. get really wasted with?: doesnt matter drunks are great 03. get high with: i dont like weed :P 05. talk to online: YOU! 06. sex it up with: wouldnt you like to know :) random 01. in the morning i: hate talking 02. love is: wonderful i bet 03. i dream about: things that worry me 04. sexual preference: i like boys.it sucks. which | is | better 01. coke or pepsi: diet pepsi but only because you pulled my leg 02. flowers or candy: most flowers are ugly. 03. tall or short: no giants or midgets, please. 01. what do you notice first: smile, lips 02. last person you slow danced with: whoa! .. stephen in a backyard over a year ago.. crazy 03. worst question to ask: hmm i think you should always ask questions. [Jewelry Worn Daily]:earings,plugs,barbells,necklace [Pillow]: :( i dont want mine [Shoes]: black vans&pink star laces. chucks [Favorite top]: sweaters [CD in stereo right now]: split cd. matt skiba&seven seconds [Piercings]: ears(lots). navel twice [Hair]: drk brown [Wishing]: i could go on a road trip. [After this]: try to sleep again [Talking to]: ::cricket sounds:: [Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]: change. [Something that you are deathly afraid of]: being stabbed.the dark sometimes.spiders. [Do you believe in love]: oh yes. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: NO [Do you believe in forgiveness]: of course! [If you could have any animal for a pet]: flying squirrel [What are 3 cities you would like to be relocated to?]: San diego, gallup, anywhere but indianapolis [What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: cake. twix. brownies. [What's something you wish you could understand better?]: people. [In the last 24 hours, have you] 01. Cried: yes 02. Bought something: 3CDs 03. Gotten sick: chapped lips...:( 04. Sang: :) 05. Eaten: yeah :/ too much 06. Been kissed: NO 07. Felt stupid: oh yes. 08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: no people would take it the wrong way 09. Met someone new: nahh old friends! 10. Moved on: not quite. 11. Fought with your parent: no bad timing. wouldnt be nice of me 12. Had a serious talk: i wish.... 13. Missed someone: Always. 14. Hugged someone: yes 15. Laughed: a lot :) [Personal] 01. Who is your role model: anyone with a good heart. ex. brian at Perkins 02. What are some of your pet peeves: liars. adults(not sure why though) 03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Nah 04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: only a couple times. 05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: nah 06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): when i planned her surprise party.. 07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: no,if they hurt me i cared about them. so i wouldnt wanna hurt them 08. Rather be dumper or dumped: oh it all sucks. 09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": well i wouldnt really know actually 10. Are you happy with you: not at all 11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yeah 12. Do you want to get married: of course 13. Do you want kids: I WANT BABIES!! :D!!! 14. Do you believe in psychics: just strong intuition. 15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: doubt it. 16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: i just have good skin. 17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: more understanding than some.not easily pissed off 18. Are you happy with your life: god no 19. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: dunno where to start
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i love quizzes.
ah man that picture is hott. i love lip rings.
