So like i said i finished my very first scarf...ive started a million and am never happy but this one i liked and it was for the mex. i go to her house and she gives me one of my presents. CAKE good god. my favorite kind too. yum. then we went to starbucks and the nice man made conversation and he asked me if a certain group of fellows came in there "burnt out". that was amusing. then brought us both cookies and brownies*i think, i only made it to the cookie..* :D! tiffani=one fat girl everyone keeps feeding me!! ahh starbucks twice, cookies, macaroni, cereal, cake &much more... and my doctor thinks im annorexic .. pshh
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haha thanks, yah i like my little kiddies =] your background is pretty though!! really pretty.

haha everyone gives me food too. they like whatching me inflate more and more by the second. haha. and starbucks=god
haha, why do you get it for free!! you are one lucky duck. oh man. if i got starbucks for free...haha.. we'll just say that starbucks would be no more.

thats like, all i asked for too..certificuts to starbucks. haha. and ive never seen stuffed animals from there!! thats awesome ;)