
christmas sucks this year. i feel so out of place. i feel so not me and i feel myself getting a little less not me every day. lately ive been looking at a lot of old pictures and for Xmas i got like 10 rolls from middle school developed and it made my day. but im looking at these pictures and my scrapbook my mom is making me and i suddenly remember that i didnt always feel the way i do now. i remember sorta feeling like i wasnt as close to my friends because i came to the group late. but never alone. and never so detatched all the time. i want that back . i want my friends back. i want me back. so depressing on christmas! im so sorry!! forgive me . have merry holidays you all
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christmas sucks every year.
yea, she had some cool shit. she makes it all herself. im sure your purse will be crazy cool too. =D.
haha... but the =D face is pure greatness. why would i want it stopped... eveR?! well, i could ask for tips- if you wish?
That would be so funny..to knock and interupt his "romance" to ask if everything was OK! AHHHHAHAHAHA! Hey, I might get to see something over his shoulder when he opened the door! No, not EVERYTHING I say is true (but this bit about the strange and bumpy sex is). Sometimes I just write shit cause I'm high and love to write. What exactly do you mean when you ask if I know anything about web pages? I don't know much about computers in general.
Sorry...we would definitely be the blind leading the lame in that department!