really EFFIN bored

and this proves it. i took the time to fill one of these.. cough.. wonderful survey things out LAYER ONE: -- Name: Tiffani -- Birth date: jan 10, 1987 -- Birthplace: Indinapolis IN -- Current Location: same :[ -- Eye Color: brown. "They're brown cause youre full of shit!" -my grandpa -- Hair Color: brown -- Height: 5'3? yeah probably just about -- Righty or Lefty: righty -- Zodiac Sign: capricorn LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: german,irish and possibly indian. im not sure my mom is retarded so ill probably never know -- The shoes you wore today:NONE -- Your weakness: people & chocolate and cake. -- Your fears: being stabbed -- Goal you'd like to achieve: just to be happy where ever i end up LAYER THREE: -- Your most overused phrase on AIM: "haha" -- Your thoughts first waking up: "time to start over already?" i drift through most of my day -- Your best physical feature: uhm? good skin thats it. does that even count? -- Your bedtime: bed time? i dont need no stinkin bed time. .. hah sorry im tired. obviosly i DO need a bed time -- Your most missed memory: damn i dunno i just realized how many friends i used to have. quitting church, soccer, and then quitting the party thing(glad) took me away from a lot of people. LAYER FOUR: -- Pepsi or Coke: diet pepsi. but only because you pulled my finger! im a water/lemonade girl -- McDonald's or Burger King: burger king -- Single or group dates: shouldnt matter usually -- Adidas or Nike: adidas -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: i dont like tea -- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla and chocolate syrup:] -- Cappuccino or coffee: cappucciono LAYER FIVE: -- Smoke: no thanks -- Cuss: hell no! shit.. okay okay, i have the mouth of a sailor :/ -- Sing: alone in my car! -- Take a shower everyday: yep. -- Have a crush: yeah -- Do you think you've been in love: No -- Want to go to college: yes -- Like(d) high school: GOOD GOD NO -- Want to get married: yeah -- Believe in yourself: i know im capable of doing more than people would think. too many words. -- Get motion sickness: no! thank god i love roller coasters!!!!!!!!!! -- Think you're attractive: no but i dont think im incredibly ugly -- Think you're a health freak: not so much anymore -- Get along with your parent(s): no --- Like thunderstorms: yes!!! -- Play an instrument: piano sorta. and ode to joy on the guitar! LAYER SIX: (god damn this is long) In the past month... -- Drank alcohol:nope -- Smoked: no -- Done a drug: asprin. hardcore -- Had Sex: nope -- Made Out: yeah -- Gone on a date: no? -- Gone to the mall? too many times. ugh -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: ha not this month but... shhh >) -- Eaten sushi: uugghh no *thanks god* -- Been on stage: no :[ i miss it -- Been dumped: nope -- Made homemade cookies: no one day this week ill bake! -- Gone skinny dipping: too cold for that. always fun though LAYER SEVEN: Ever... -- Played a game that required removal of clothing: oh the middle school games of truth or dare. lame. im glad were passed that -- If so, was it mixed company: ha yeah. meh -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah -- Been caught "doing something": sort of -- Been called a tease: yeah but i dont think its true -- Shoplifted: not for at least a year. only rings occasionally though -- Changed who you were to fit in: yep. so over that though! :] LAYER EIGHT: -- Age you hope to be married: mid 20s, early 30s -- Numbers and Names of Children:1 or 2 --place to have your Wedding: this place in florida was the plan. but it probably wont matter --how do you want to die? i want to go in my sleep. and after im ready whenever that will be. as long as ive lived a good life it wont matter -- Where you want to go to college: cali -- What do you want to be when you grow up: interior designer, but i have other plans too -- What country would you most like to visit: germany just because i spent 4 years of my life learning about it. yuck. LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl.. -- Best eye color? blue -- Best hair color? brown -- Short or long hair: longISH. i dont want to be jealous of their hair! -- Height: taller than me -- Best weight: i have no idea -- Best articles of clothing: ??what does that mean?? -- Best first date location: not the movies. -- Best first kiss location: not the movies. LAYER TEN: -- # of drugs taken illegally: multiple? -- # of people I could trust with my life: a few -- # of CDs that I own: no idea. they all suck though -- # of piercings: 13 -- # of tattoos: i have a year for that -- # of scars on my body: lots -- # of things in my past that I regret: 23987481273489173475624375603284712 infinity infinity...SQUARED! haha :/
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