*foxie growl*

Listening to: nothing (For once)
Feeling: enraged
Yeah, no entry in a while. What can I say; I had nothing to write about. And I wouldn't be writing today either, no. But you see, going outside to scream into a pillow so I won't bother anyone is rediclous, you see. So says my genius mother. Don't you just want to glomp her? Yeah, she sure is smart. Maybe if I inherited that, I can get a job at fucking McDonalds.

Wouldn't that be TEH PWNAGE?

I hear ya'll complain. "Holy dead monkies, Crim! What are you bitching about today?" I'll tell you what I'm bitching about, becuase this is the only way to channel my anger that isn't ZoMg ReDiCiOuZzZ!!!111

First off, I had a good day. An awesome day. An uber-spiffified day with hot sauce on it. I went to some Youth convention, and when I'm in a motherload crowd like that, I tend to get this "zin" stuff going.

Like I'm..there.

That made up for every single damned thing in it being around Jesus. I'm tired of Jesus. I go to a Christian school, so my education consists of three helpings of Jesus a day. Than I go to Church twice a week, to get even more of Jesus! And it gets old.

But..no. That doesn't bother me that much. What pissed me off was I came home..(I was gone for eight hours or so at this thing,) guess who decided to rearrange my room? That's right: my mom did it AGAIN. Fawking FDJFJDKFH!

She moved everything! Threw all my sketches that I work very hard on in a box randomly, (wrincling and thus ruining them all,) put my money in a drawer, moved my mirror to where I can't see myself, made it take effort to have to get to the gamecube, took the dogglefox door hanger off my door, moved my tables, put my chest in the fucking closet with the broken door, and other things!

Pifft. I can hear everyone now. "Gee whilikers Crim! That sure is trvial!" And you know what? I don't give two shits how trivial it seems to you, okay?!? I have asked her specifically and very nicely MANY times to leave my room the fuck alone. I don't recall saying, "Hey mom! I'm going off for a while, so why don't you just kill my layout and ruin years worth of artwork! ^_^" No. That never happened. Ever.

It takes a lot to get me mad. I'm easygoing. I'm a goddamned doormat. But when I say the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, and it's not something outlandish, I expect you to respect my wishes! I'm a good furson! I don't hurt anyone, I don't ask much! And all I wanted was for her to let MY living space be..so she goes and messes it up?!?


..and I'm gonna' change my diary layout. This one is stupid ugly.

|Edit|Layout changed. I went from that horrible blue and more blue to black and pink. Yes, I now have a part-black layout like the other 90 percent of sitdiary users.

..and I've calmed down a bit. Note "a bit." I'm still cheezed, and still want to sink my claws into something.|/edit|
Read 1 comments
awe thanks so so much! yea i just try and stay positive with everything so hopefully things will start to brighten up!