I'm pathetic. X-X

Feeling: crappy
Ugh. I can't think of a decent way to start a story. That's one of my main problems. I can do fine once I'm in the middle of it, but starting..I just can't! X_X

Let's see..other than that..

I was going to go to a friend's house untill Monday, but she canceled the sleepover. No fur off my back, though.
I'm addicted to Powerpets...and making alot of pb already by restocking my shop!
I've become a terribly slow typist over the holidays. I'll fail typing class when School's back in soo fast..

And school will be back in session on Monday. And that blows becuase..I don't like school! Simple! I can teach myself much faster than /any/ teacher, and half the things we learn will never be of any use in life.
If you can show me ONE situation where the names of 40 adverbs is important, I'll show you a huge lie.
Especially PE. I despise sports. I hate sports. I strongly dislike sports.

When I apply for a job someday, I won't get squat if all it says is "I can play Baseball." That'll land me bagging groceries or flipping burgers.
Gah..that's all I can think of right now.
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