What I've Grown Into..

Feeling: twitchy
What baffles me..I've become almost the oppisite of my entire house. In fact, the only time I can recall getting along with my family is when I was a small child, without opinions, agreeing blindly to anything a parent would say to make them happy, no matter how wrong it was. I mean, a few minutes ago, you know what I was doing? Researching religon. Becuase I'm starting to not believe in God. Don't get me wrong: I know he exists. I just don't see why humanity should follow him blindly. I go to a Christian school, and one of the things that is constantly drilled into our heads is that God "gave us a choice to serve him or not." But..he didn't! Yes, we all have free will. However, if you sin, you're pretty much doomed to doomedness! Hell isn't fluffy kittens and puppy dogs, after all. And what is sin? The way I've commonly seen it defined is willful disobedience. Read: Disobey me and die. Doesn't this seem a bit..off?
Read 2 comments
Haha thanks for the comment. I had no idea what it meant. And I agree with the religious thing. I don't go to a Christian school or anything but my dad's close enough and I don't really understand it myself.
i agree with u on the religion thing too and struggle daily cause i like to ask questions and yea sometimes the puzzle pieces dont fit to that mystery