Cliched Parent Rant - Part Two.

Feeling: trapped
And you know you're whiny and complain too much when your rants have sequals. So. My friend is going to come sleep over. She and I are very close, and since she's moving to DC soon, we absolutely have to meet up as much as possible before she leaves. Sleeping over involces a totebag, of course. She has to bring something. Now, this is where my mom comes in. I have this table in my room. It's covered in art, batteries, CDs, omic Books, Players Guides, candy wrappers, and other such things. It's the way my table is. Without all that, it wouldn't be THE table. It would be a boring, *uncool* table. My mom wants her to keep the totebag on the table. It's fine with me; it can fit very easily. But noo. That would be too easy. She wants to move everything so the table can be a shrine for the magical, holy bag. She wants to.. - Put my art in shoeboxes. (It'll smell like feet! T_T) - Throw away my posters. (Are we gonna hang the bag on the wall now?) - Throw away my art that DOESN'T fit in the shoeboxes. (Becuase when you spend hours and hours drawing, it must mean you care NOTHING about art..) - Put my shoes in the closet. (They'll come out again anyways. They aren't for decoration, you know.) Etc. She thinks she can boss me around, but no. It's my room, not hers. And maybe if I don't want paper that smells like the bottom of a foot and bare, ugly white walls, it's none of her goddammned business.
Read 3 comments
That's just crazy! Slap her...
I know how you feel... my parents wish the wall of rock to be done away with... but I shall fight it!
Thanks (:

Marilyn Manson is a sexy beast! :P
NOOO!! Your mom cannot make you throw out your art, I draw alot too and I would die if it all got thrown away :P