Artist Gripes

Listening to: 2 - Technology Rant
Feeling: stubborn
This is starting to get on my last nerve! Okay, I signed up with sheezyart. To show off my sprites. (No scanner, wot.) And you can say that spriting isn't art, but I'd like to see you do it better! It *is* an art form so shut your mouth! And if you can do better than this with a Sonic sprite and Ms Paint: Than you can complain. But if not..just shut it. But that's not the gripe. What's getting on my nerves is.. I've been browsing sheezyart. Just to look at the creations of my artist peers. I can manipulate pixels, so I am officially part of this big happy family, and I want to see what my family can do, okay? Now, I look..and over and over I see.. Generator pictures! The results of dollmakers! And other things that the "artist" didn't make. No, they clicked the mouse button and this thing came up, so they said "OmG!!!!11!!!!11 M3 mAd A p!C!!!!111 !'M sUuUuU tAlLuN73D!!!11 What in the world is that? You didn't make it, all you did was drag a shirt onto a base. Oh fucking wow. Aren't you just a damned fountian of talent? The zin of hard work just oozes out of that little five minute generator picture. Please, for the love of sweet pie, if you didn't make somthing..don't fucking act like you did! My god, this is worse than bakc on Neopets where people would put a red line on a picture of their neopet and act like they're a genius artist! BAH!
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