The Littlest Feather Duster

So it's that time of year again, you know, that one that all us Drama kids look forward to every year? That time when you give up your entire existence to one cause, when you can't remember the last time you slept more than 5 hours..yes, that time of year is here and I can't help but not really give a shit. Don't get me wrong, I really do honestly like going to rehearsals, most of my friends are there, they tend to be amusing for the most part, but I don't know, something has been missing from drama for a long time for me. As many of you know I'm "Lord of the Props", therefore it's my job to find EVERYTHING for this show..I understand that it's my responsibility to organize things, and get MOST of the props, but come on, ALL OF THEM? I don't think I would even mind that much if Nelson actually respected me or atleast showed a tiny bit of appreciation. I respect Nelson for the way he dedicates his life to the Drama Club, but I don't like him, I think it kills him too to know that he's not like Kaufman. People love Mr. Kaufman, and they respect him too. My father has spent HUNDREDS, no exaggeration here, on these props over the years that no one in the audience will even take a second look at, and why? That godforsaken snow cost 100 dollars, did my father ever see any return on that? Or was it even in the show? NO. Does that show that Nelson respects me? Absolutely not. My task for this show was to find seven feather dusters. Feather dusters? Noone even uses those anymore so you can imagine how difficult they were to find. I finally found the perfect ones in Albany, black feathers w/ wood handles, PERFECT for this show, only they had only 6 of them. We needed seven. I bought them, and showed them to Nelson, and he actually said to me, " you have the receipt?..." Well, I refuse to return them just because we are short one and he refuses to use the white one that we do have just because it's white. Who really gives a fuck other than him HONESTLY? I will say that Mrs. Nelson has been nothing but gratious to me this year. She actually came over to me when I brought all the props in and told me how much she liked the feather dusters and the other stuff I brought in. People give her a hard time, and I admit I have too MANY times in the past and probably will in the future, but she isn't all bad. Nelson on the other hand needs to find something else to do in life other than emotionally destroy seventeen year old girls.
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