
I sure haven't updated in a long while...nothing much really has been going on. The cast list should be going up tomorrow..I'm nervous and I didn't even try out. Well I'm not really nervous..maybe that's not the right word..I guess I just feel like I want certain people to get certain parts. Backstage should be interesting this year..seeing as there are going to be about next to no guys backstage to help move the set around..which leaves me who has about negative 2 percent upper body strength. Who knows, we'll probably end up getting Vinny to help us out or something. Don't you just love musical season? Speaking of musicals..did anybody happen to see that crazy musical that was on disney channel this weekend? Had to be the craziest thing I've ever seen. Hot stuff edit-The cast list blows chunks.
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Oh man Chelsea! I totally saw that crazy musical on disney and it is totally crazy like you say!