Realizations and senior year

I really haven't updated this in awhile, but I just had this sudden urge while reading the remarkable Mayor of Casterbrige (remarkable in that it takes me 30 minutes to get through 10 pages). This sudden urge to update Sitdiary was brought on by the abrupt realization that I am a senior, my friends are seniors, next year we will hardly see each other unless we turn into Vinnys or people like my brother who come home practically every weekend. But will we be like them? I don't really think so. Part of me wishes we could have another senior year after this, one drama free. Don't even get me started on how disgusted I am that we are still putting each other through this freshmen year crap of separate cliques and talking about how much we can't stand one another. Honestly is it even worth it anymore? Here we are, in the LAST year we are all going to be together, and we're wasting it holding grudges and "hating" people for reasons we don't even know anymore? I know if anyone actually reads this they'll say "Who hates who?", "what IS she talking about??" I know I don't hate anyone, but I do know that I'm sick of my friends, and others in that circle of friends living life in a constant state of deterioration. Basically I'm hoping that we can all grow up by the end of this year. Who knows.
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I freakin love you Chelsea! Couldn't have said it better myself XD
I hear you.

I hear you.
