
The past couple of days have been so friggin' fantastic! Thursday was the pep rally. I sat with Jen, Abbeh, and Louisa..it would have been more fun if all the scummies around us would actually shut up for two seconds to let us hear what the people talking were saying. But pep rallies are always fun no matter what.. Friday the cast list for the play went up..Dom is a gay composer, Ben is a cross-dressing french maid, and there is talk that Jen is a bisexual something..hmm should be interesting. Later on friday was the Homecoming parade/game! My first as part of the band..it was really fun.. We did ok for the most part..the only time that we messed up was when the banner people went one way and the band went the other during the parade..but nobody was around to see really and it wasn't really our faults seeing as no one was told which way to go..we fixed it quickly and everything was smooth sailing from there on out. The game was fantastic, JUNIOR CLASS OF 2007 WON FLOAT THIS YEAR, YAY times 1000!!! :) Woke up early on Saturday for UMASS..took about 2 and a half hours to get there, and when we got there i was feeling so bad. Abbeh, Louisa, and I had nothing to do..because before we left Mrs. Boice wasn't really sure if she needed American flag and banner people but she told us to go anyways just in case so we did...she didn't need us..but she told us we could watch the game with the band and cheer and stuff and things got so much better from there on..Louisa, Abbeh, and I picked grass by the bands with the chaperones, went shopping for t-shirts, went to the bathrooms like twice, looked around the stadium with Allura's mom, talked about where we wanted to live when we were older and what we wanted to do in life, and had a lot of fun..By then band practice was over and we went with the band to eat the 60 pizzas that were ordered for us..then we went off to the stadium for the game..SO FUN!! Our band was so good like always..and the other AHS was really good too..HALF TIME was awesome but the best part of UMASS was the second half of the game..the band came back and it was just awesome.."Go! GO U! GO U-MASS! GO UMASS!" yeah it was some major fun...there were fireworks!! wow i'm a loser..UMASS was definitely worth going to..now the bus ride home is a totally different story..BUS three..how i loathe you...all abbeh and I wanted to do was sleep..all Jess, Bryan, and Katie wanted to do however was make barnyard animal sounds the entire way home..i guess that speaks for itself..anyways this week has been friggin' sweet :)
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