30 - dying

hey, everything that I do, i see, i read, listen to or watch pisses me off. Or it depreses me. you, you think that you can walk all over me. well fuck you! I am sick of you telling me what to do and then actually expeceting me to do it. Im sick of you asking me to go with you places but then when i do you blow me off. Sick of you bitching and complaining about everything. the world does NOT revolve around you and you can go screw yourself if you think I am ever doing anything with you or for you ever again. When I ask you to do something for me, you pretend not to hear me. fuck you man you really have no idea how much i want to just blow up in your face. You think that everyone cares about every little thing you do or want. Well guess what, everyone else might feel sorry for you - but i dont. I know what you are doing. You are trying to make everyone your best firend but then once they consider themselves one of your firends, you are going to ditch them and just use them for shit you want. You were a total bitch to me then when i gave you a souvenier, you were all goody goody with me. You can go fuck yourself - because im sick of your shit. And all your friends shit too. I constantly have that little lump in my throat making me want to cry. But Im am sick and tired of crying over people that dont care. Why is it that I always screw up? Every decision I make turns to shit, everything i say backfires. I wish i could just lay in my bed and rot away. I see a knife, or a razor and I wonder if I cut myself, will all my inside pain go away? If people see my scars, will they finally realize just how selfish they are? If i cut myself, would people start to care? So many questions and only one way to find out. But I cant do it to myself, because then people will as soo many questions, hark so many lectures, tell so many people. I sit in my house all day long, and when i talk to people, it is always about them. Noone ever says, "how come, or is there anything i can do?" it is always, "yeah, imagine how i felt when...", or "you have no idea, when _______ ignores me ..." Shut up! I am sick of noone asking, sick of people pretending to care, then when i begin to explain, it always turns into "me me me" Go to hell!! Fuck you all! Go and pretend to care about someone else, because I dont need you anymore. Courtney. >>e.g.<>bffl<<
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