x41x-Im lost, so lost, im lost without you

so my life is kind of boring kind of yet not, haha. tomorrow=thanksgiving. i love thanksgiving. had a debate in english. saw hp4!!!!!!♥ finally read hp5 completely. I CANT WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS!!! wow, i just made an intro. paragraph wouldnt brosious & transue be PROUD 1-Thanksgiving I love thanksgiving, i love food, and i love turkey. i love pumpkin pie best We always have thanksgiving at my house, and grandparents come and my aunt and uncle & my 3 cousins John Tristan & lucas so thats always a fun time considering they're 4, 2, and like 9 months haha. Tristans my favorite, i have trained him to say sweet, give the peace sign and say peace. im working on word & yo, im not sure how thats going over with the parents =] But anyway, i loveeeeeeee the macys thanksgiving day parade fo sho. its my favorite. so yeah, thats my view on thanksgiving 2-Debate Madness So we are/were doing debates in english and me & karyn went against zach & paul the next thing you know our teacher is like yelling at zach & paul and that got them all mad so i was like jesus christ. which brings me to my point. some teachers are too nasty for their own good and are too judgemental we are TEENAGERS and we are mouthy & stupid and dont really care about school. so yeah, we wont the debate nonetheless. 3-HARRY POTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE Kayla & I went and saw harry potter at the dietrich on friday night. [[opening night]] it was AMAZING. i love harry potter. this one is rated PG-13 and all the critics are throwing a fit but STFU. this one was good because it involved like so much stuff besides Voooollldeerrrmoorrrrt. haha althought he was involved. it even made me tear up. ceeeddriiccc♥ how hott did ron weasley get?? it was crazeddddd. haha so yeah, that went good. 4-Harry Potter 5 ive had the HP5 book for awhile and i read it but i forgot everything in it so for the past 3 days ive been reading it little by little and finally finished it today [day 3] amazing book that one. J.K. Rowling is an amazing writer. Im getting the 6th one for christmas, i figure by then the prices will have died down, coooonsidering it came out this summer? haha ♥ 5-CHRSTMASSSSS i cant wait for christmas, christmas is the best time of year. it trulyyy is. on xmas eve we go to my aunts and hang out with most of that side of the family, no the WHOLE side of that family haha. we play musical chairs cus were losers and just have a good time so i love it. we have christmas dinner at my house so thats always good. we wake up sooo early on christmas to open presents haha. this year i asked for a telephone for my room, an IPod Nano, some clothes & normal stuff. so yeah. i love you all ♥ Lyndsss
Read 6 comments
Lynds, HP6 came out this summer. :P
dorko. :)

& omg.
I totally asked for a nano for xmas too. :)
and it's def. all I'm getting. :P
word. 8)

I love you!

i love ron, he's such a hottie. :-P
nate doesn't get it though. :-P what a loser.

love ya lots.
omg like just about EVERYONE got emo in that movie :D well that's what Kristy and I thought.

fred & george = hot. ahhhh :D

wow. i read all of this. (=
i saw the movie on thursdayy night [or fridayy mornina, whatever] and it was awesome (=

cedric was hot.
but draco was still hotter. XD

happyy thanksgiving still.
i'm hella stuffed and i feel all gross now.
You're high. =]

I havn't had a god damned day off in like 2 and a half weeks. I'm so freaking tired. And I have to work all weekend, too. T_T


I'm bored. =]

btw, it's early.

really early.

merry haunakah.

mike. <3
Musical chairs is dumb. I always hurt myself when I play them.

...Which I havn't played since I was 5...*shifty eyes*
*walks away in a very manly way*