x27x-Cus ACK said so.

8:23 pm location, Computer desk. hehe, im so gay. ANYWAY. okay so..let me think wednesday was devs birthday party which was tons of fun. haha dan came over beforehand and we watched my crazy video, which was really ridiculous cus im retarded. then we went to devs and we just chilled. It was fun. Dev & i danced haha and everyone else was just like =/ lmao. and then me, dev, cea, ang, jacks & britt all spent the night which was also wicked amounts of fun. thennn..i got bloodwork yesterday blah i hate bloodwork bloodwork is death. i haev to get it every month though so it pretty much SUCKS. and then i got mcdonalds which made it all feel better.. Dan burned me the new AAR cd which i love. and the old boys night out & fall out boy albums which are great. haha i was like sweet this is the best day of my life haha anyway i really dont have anything to say. everyones at bumpers. hah. anddd i think im going to max's tomorrow to hang out with him & dan =) and probably kayla once i talk her into going with me =) hehe. okay, well i only did this because anyonomous cool kid said too. haha. love. peace. & chicken grease. Yours truly, x3 lrriiiiide x3
Read 5 comments
that that that thats RITE cus i said so

lynds how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ??

that that that thats RITE cus i said so

lynds how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ??

man lynds my comment went up on this thing twice

hello lyndsey. My diary won't scare you anymore :) and whyyyyy do you get bloodwork every month :0

love you. chicken grease? lmao. haha


haha that place pretty much seems like a joke. :P


well anyway.
