
I was bored. So i went into quote mode again. Some of these are pretty darn good. "..So fail. Be bad at things. Be embarrassed. Be afraid. Be vulnerable. Go out on a limb or two or twelve, & you will fall & it'll hurt. But the harder you fall, the farther you will rise. The louder you fail, the clearer your future becomes. Failure is a gift, welcome it. There are people who spend their whole lives wondering how they became the people they became, how certain chances passed them by, why they didn't take the road less traveled. Those people aren't you. You have front row seats to your own transformation, & in transforming yourself, you might even transform the world. & it will be electric, & I promise you it will be terrifying. Embrace that; embrace the new person you're becoming. This is your moment. I promise you, it is now, now, not two minutes from now, not tomorrow, but really now. Own that; know that deep in your bones. & go to sleep every night knowing that, wake up every morning remembering that. & then...keep going." "You've changed so much. I guess that's what happens. I wish you knew how much you've changed me. I wonder if I've changed you; If you're life is different because of me. Because mine's different. My God, you taught me so much, and now we don't even talk to each other. I guess that's what happens" "Sure, you're supposed to have total recall of who won the Battle of Hastings and what motivated Hamlet. And probably you should be able to label all five Great Lakes. Perhaps you can...Perhaps it's easier to remember that first kiss. Or the time you and your friends couldn't stop laughing in math class. Or your locker combination or cafeteria mystery meat or the scintillating scent in the air when you-know-who glided past your desk... Or maybe it's easier to remember the thrill of passing the final or the fun of the last homecoming game or hugging your best friends in the world goodbye and knowing you'd be in touch forever... But still, wondering just a little...Will we always remember?" "The young faces in these pictures represent times when our biggest worries were Barbie and Ken's wedding, GI Joe's missing arm, and why we had to eat vegetables at dinner again. Looking at these pictures today, sometimes we, the seniors, wish we could go back to such carefree days. But at the same, time moving on with our lives, making new memories, and gaining independence have become exciting realities that were once ideas that seemed so far away. Since sixth grade we have counted down the days until graduation. Now as the day approaches we are still anxious, but somewhat nervous. The faces in these pictures remind us of the people we once were and still are, the friends we have grown up with and also whom we will graduate with. Surviving the past 12 years wasn't easy, but in that time we had some of the best experiences of our lives. Those times are what made it worthwhile." "so this is when we finally learn the real meaning of change. you do the things you used to be against, you date the people you thought you never would, & you befriend the people you used to hate. you'll learn what it's like to have your heart broken, to lose a friend that truly meant something to you, & to feel as if everything is really falling apart. there will be times that your life seems so absolutely horrible it feels like it's not real. despite all this, good things will come too. you'll make the most amazing friends that will be there for you even when they probably shouldn't. your broken heart will heal once you find the most perfect guy you've ever met, & just as nothing else can go wrong, things will only get better. there will be the days you are so happy, & the days that you feel like dying. drama happens, gossip goes around, & people talk crap. maybe this is just highschool, maybe it's life, or maybe this is just what growing up is." "do you know how confusing you are? you are the most confusing person in the world. sometimes you confuse me so much that i get confused about why i`m still so crazy about you." "we aren't even going out yet but why does it seem like we are already together? we fight, we get jealous, we care but where's the together part?" "I want a reaction, I want you to do something about this. I'm tired of wondering if you feel the same way. I just wish I could tell you how I feel, to either set the ball in motion, or end it all right here." "Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable" "and i wanna be the girl that saves him. the one that he'd be absolulty lost without. i wanna be the one who makes his life worth living." "It's probably the wrong time to tell you this, But..well..maybe its the perfect time. I realize how incredibly confusing things are between us right now. I can't even begin to explain our relationship. You probably can't either. But I just want you to know that if you ever need me, I'll always be here for you..all you have to do is ask" "It's amazing. some people.. they just say these small things. one sentence, & it changes the way you feel about them in an instant. small words that can hurt you so much or make you fall deeply in love forever. it changes everything, & nothing between you two is ever really the same again. even if they don't know, it still happens." "sometimes, i still stare at you, amazed & absolutely enchanted & even though i've held your gaze a thousand times, when you turn to me & give me that silly grin, you STILL make me blush" "I'm talking about a connection. A look. Something that says that we're on the same side here"
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