100 Things

1. My boyfriend's a rockstar. 2. I have an unhealthy obsession with taking pictures . 3. I WILL be yearbook editor next year. 4. I like chocolate carrots. 5. I can spend an hour talking about pimples. 6. I have a spastic dog . 7. I tend to overthink every aspect of life. 8. Nothing is ever good enough for me. 9. I don't hold grudges. 10. I get over things pretty easily. 11. I dont rele like pop anymore. 12. I'm a yankee. 13. I spend my money wisely. 14. I'm that strange girl who likes school. 15. I never like how i look. 16. I'm self concious. 17. I tend to let others influence me too much. 18. My relationship is on the rocks. 19. Writing is my therapy. 20. I am one of those lucky people who have more then one best friend. 21. I always wait till the last minute to do my projects. 22. I hate fighting with people. 23. I don't have many enemys. 24. I tried out for cheerleading alot, but i never made it. That makes me happy. 25. Tonight i found out i can actually get along with dustin. 26. I cant look at gogurt the same way. 27. Or chocolate pudding. 28. Or cheese. 29. Or just about other food in the world. 30. I'm a country girl. 31. I think julie will be asleep by the time i finish this. 32. I hate smallville. 33. I LOVE THE OC!!! 34. I miss life as we know it. 35. I used to make my marbles talk. 36. I hate peeps. Whoever invented them should suffer. 37. I'm in love with my i-pod. 38. I'm online wayyy to much. 39. I'm drinking chocolate milk. 40. I hate my feet. They're ugly. 41. Sometimes i think im fat. 42. I want LJ to really sing me a song. 43. I like to doodle on index cards. 44. I've changed a lot. 45. I'm not as afraid of public speaking anymore. 46. Life was easier when i was little. 47. I'm too realistic. 48. I've grown up too fast. 49. I regret about 90% of the things i do. 50. I'm excited about turning 16. 51. I dont watch much tv. 52. Im extremely pale. 53. I miss the people i used to hang out with. 54. I feel controlled by people i shouldnt be controlled by. 55. I'm typing this to make myself tired. 56. It's working. 57. I cave in to people too easily. 58. I hate lemons. 59. My name is stacey....and i am a nestea addict. 60. I hate 2% milk. its just nasty. i wonder what the other 98% is. 61. I cant tell time with birds. Unlike julie. 62. I want to see the northern lights before i die. 63. I wish someone would just try to understand me before they give up hope. 64. I wish someone felt as strongly for me as i do for them. 65. I'm a very romantic/cheesy person. 66. I'm a virgin. I plan to keep it that way for awhile. 67. My dad thinks im a slut. 68. He doesnt trust me very much. 69. I like to make lists. 70. I think julie's asleep now. 71. Rain makes me happy when im sad. 72. I like to sit by a fire when its snowing. 73. I like a lot of blankets on my bed. 74. My room can never be too cold. 75. I trust people too easily. 76. I've had one too many "friends" backstab me. 77. I always think people hate me, even if they dont. 78. I can't believe ive gotten this far. 79. I always give second chances. 80. That usually gets me in trouble. 81. I cant believe it's almost 2 am and im still typing this. 82. I want to die my hair a lighter brown. 83. I want to start going to church again. 84. I love to give advice and help people. 85. Sometimes i run out of patience too quickly. 86. I believe all promises should be kept, but sometimes in too good at sticking to that. 87. Yeah, shes asleep. 88. I cant sleep with just one pillow. 89. My doggy makes a good sleeping mate. She keeps my toes warm. 90. I have an obsession with pajama pants. 91. I type pretty loud. 92. I love to sing, i think i suck, but i'll sing for anyone. 93. Chances are, you dont rele know what im thinking. 94. I'm a pretty complex person. 95. I hope this summer is as good as last. 96. My freshman year rocked. 97. I'm going to be a waitress this summer. 98. I recently started therapy. 99. It's helping. 100. I'm going to bed now.
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