
Hey People. So my weekend, well more Sunday, made up for my lousy Friday night. I took Adam and my bro to the Drive-in (In Port Hope.) Which was quite fun. My Brother turned into a player, with the chicks in the car beside us. lol. We saw Cars and Pirates. Cars was alright, Pirates was confusing, so I laid down in the back of the car, and nearly fell asleep a few times. We got home at 3 am. Woot for being out late! Today I woke up to have Mom bitch at me. Then I had to go run a few arrands with her, and deliver Adam his bike. lol. After leaving there, I guess I turned the wrong direction, even though mom didn't tell me which way to go. And we got into a fight so I took her home and she took her car out. So I sat around doing nothing except being questioned by my Dad as to why I was all PMSy... Then I had to explain what happened and stuff. I had to go to work and fax some more insurance papers, and ask Jennie for the 31st off. So that if I'm exhauted from the weekend I don't have to go to work that night. She agreed. :) Came home, listened to music, wrote some stuff, read some stuff. Mom came home and bitched at me again, so I just went to my room and stayed there till she went to work. Because I know that when I'm tired, and I still am even though I slept a lot today, that I get kinda grochy, so it was easiest for me to just stay away then to do all the things I have to. But anyways so I'm still pissed, because she freaked on me on her way out the door about the dishwasher leaking, and shit. She took my truck again... Ohh yeah that reminds me, last night when I came home I called her and asked her if she wanted me to fill up the car. Because it's down to just over a quarter of a tank, and since I drove it the most, I'm the one that should fill it up and stuff. Well she said no I'll do it tomorrow. Well this afternoon she freaked on me because I didn't fill up the car! So I just yelled back at her, because like hell can you yell at me for something I offered to do but you didn't want me to. So yeah. That's all. Anyone need me, or whatever. Call. Anytime tonight. I have the house to myself. Well with Nick, but he won't mind. lol Night, Meaghan. Hsve you ever been so happy it made you sad?
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AHAHAHAHHAHA my sit owns ur comments! too bad ur moms bein bitchin at u.. not really sure aboot the so happy ur sad part.. if u wanna talk to me aboot it u kno i'll listen, cant wait till the camping trip:) well thats all for now, love ya, Adam
Glad Your happy I stopped, I gotta agree yesterday was the coolest 3 months ever, thats all i got, love ya,