The Perfect Guy Survey!

The Perfect Guy
Hair color?:Blond or Brunette
Eye color?:Blue (Ice blue is Hott, but not required)
Height?:*shrugs* Taller, same height.
Six pack?:Sure, yet again not required, just an added bonus
Long hair or short?:Short, but not a buzz cut
Glasses?:Doesn't matter
Piercings?:Kind of a turn off
Eyebrows?:Do they need eyebrows? yeah so they don't look funny! lol, ohh wait, you mean like unibrow and eyebrow maintainance... there must be 2, don't really care about shape/size
Big butt or little?:Doesn't matter, both are good
Chest hair?:Umm... Pass.. for now anyway...
Buff or skinny?:Skinny with a little muscle, but not like "I work out everyday all day type of thing"
Teeth?:Yeah, they need teeth. straight white smile, but fake looking of soo white the black lights make them glow.
Section 2
Funny or serious?:Serious but can handle lots of laughs, jokes and a prank here and there
Party-hopper or more stay-at-home?:Stay-at-home with a couple parties here and there.
Should he be able to bake or cook?:That would be awesome! But it seems to fairy tale-ish.
Does he have a best friend?:You mean like someone he can talk to about everything, yeah, everyone should have one.
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends?:Sure, I have no problem with that, I'm not the jealous type.
Out-going or shy?:Shy, makes there something sort of mysterious about him.
Sarcastic or sincere?:Sarcastic, like me!!
Does he love his mother?:Sure, I mean nice and doesn't make her cry, but not a Mama's Boy, who calls his mom every hour no matter what.
Should he watch chick-flicks?:If he wants, I watch them by myself or with a bunch of girls if i ever feel like it, instead of making him sit through it.
Would he be a smoker?:GOD NO!
How about a drinking?:Doesn't matter, Just not Drinking 24/7
And swearing?:Not every other word, but I don't mind, unless around family or little kids
Would he play with your hair?:Sure, if you mean spinning a lock around his finger, or brushing my hair out of my face.
Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time?:No.
Would he pay for you when you're on a date?:If we don't decide to go dutch.
Does he kiss on the first date?:Any: Hand, Cheek, Forehead, Lips.
Where would you go for dinner?:Anywhere, nothing expenive, I'd feel to bad if he spent all of his money on one night.
Would he buy you flowers?:Sure, it's s cute gesture. (Even if you do pick them out of someones garden on the way) lol
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies?:Ahh, music to my ears... lol jk, Philosophy is alright. No need for an Aristotle or a Plato.
Would he write poetry about you?:Maybe, Corny yet sweet.
Would he use endearments?:Sure.
Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends?:Sometimes. Unless we both have the same friends then we're with both.
How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends?:Same as above.
Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening?:Sure, it doesn't really matter.
Would you hold hands?:Yeah
Section 3
Does he play soccer?:Doesn't matter
Baseball?:Doesn't matter
Football?:Guys tackling other guys... hott... lol jk.
Basketball?:Doesn't matter
Water polo?:Doesn't matter
Golf or something equally boring?:Nah, sure it's smarts but there's no uniforms. Uniforms are Sexy.
Does he surf?:Beach, Water, Hot Half naked boys?? Of course! lol jk.
Skateboard?:Doesn't matter
Snowboard?:Doesn't matter
Can he sing?:Nah
Play the guitar?:*shrugs* eh, sure..
Play piano?:Nah
Play the drums?:Really loud! Too many possible headaches.
Can he keep his room clean?:Sure.
Is he an artist of sorts?:Sure.
Does he write his own music?:That's cool
Does he have pets?:Yeah!
Section 4
Does he use the word dude?:Alright, I use it. lol. If he's a surfer dude.. lol
How about tight?:nah
Would he watch the sun rise and set with you?:Yeah, while sitting on a blanket, sipping coffee or hot chocolate.
What kind of car does he drive?:anything that runs, nothing fancy.
How old is he?:Same Age or Older
What's his name?: Unknown as of right now
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